Technology & World Change:

• Microsoft wants to empower people with smartphones to receive real-time information about their surroundings just by pointing a camera, using image recognition technologies
• Superimposes location-related data on the user’s screen. An example given by Microsoft : a virtual tour guide relates and explains to the user as he/she walks around a new location. Microsoft says that, “This is just one of many applications.”

• Apple recently filed a new patent which revolves around AR-based mapping, reinforced by GPS geospatial localisation; Example explicated in the patent : User pointing the iPhone towards an intersection in San Francisco, while running a search for “parks”. Details pop out about where the nearby Golden Gate Park, Buena Vista Park are, with their distance from the current location.

• Layar is an iPhone application which allows users to have information superimposed on the iPhone screen when a camera is pointed, and its free-of-charge.

• Making AR-based training systems ( hardware and software ) for MINDEF (Ministry of Defence) in Singapore
• Augmented Reality for Military Training project – worth S$1.88 mn
• Keio-NUS CUTE ( Connective Ubiquitous Tech. for Embodiments ) is a joint collaboration between the National University of Singapore ( NUS) and Keio University in Japan, lead by Dr. Duh.

• Google's brainchild Project Glass : These AR glasses have begun limited testing. It appears that Google wants to capitalise on this emerging AR technology that may pervade our daily lives in future, and be at the fore-front of such cutting-edge technology.
Assoc. Prof Parviz – University of Washington
• Assoc. Prof Parviz, an esteemed professor of Electronic Engineering, specializes in Bionanotechnology. He is noted for his pioneering works on bionic contact lenses ; he recently built tiny contact lens with embedded electronics which can display pixels.
• He claims that all the basic technology is there - the contact lens have been tested on animals, and is safe for use. He commented," Looking thru' a completed lens, you would see what the display is generating superimposed on the world outside."
• Bionic contact lens will have a wide variety of applications which range from helping the visually impaired to the entertainment industry.

• ARIS*ER consists of 6 academic institutions including hospitals and 2 companies ( which includes the MNC - Siemens )
• Research interests are centered on clinical applications viz Laparoscopic liver resection, endoscopic mitral valve repair/replacement , MRI guided RF abalation - all of which involve the doctor being in control of the provided information, and what is provided, when it is provided, free angle choice, and a highly individualised & intuitive, user-friendly interface.
• Augmented Reality in Surgery allows for real-time visualisation of the surgical site, providing the surgeon with useful information such as
real-time ultrasound imagery
• Radiofrequency ablation was the first clinical application demonstrated by this institute ARIS*ER
• Liver resection was the second clinical application, allowing for safe resection of the liver, avoiding major arteries.
Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology in Austria
The institute researches and develops, amongst others :
• AR systems in general
• Mobile AR e.g. apps in smartphones.
• AR visualisation e.g. X-ray visualisation which allows users to see through objects
• Medical visualisation e.g. real-time ultrasound visualisation
• AUGUR for construction industry : portable AR in-situ visualisation of structure within structure, using construction/engineering tools like metal detectors, future measurement tools, etc - all these provide valuable information to the end-user, particularly when there is a centralised, integrated AR interface.

• IBM is interested in AR-guided retail shopping, which is geared towards consumers and retailers - i.e. it is a win-win situation
• Customised shopping experience is provided to consumers - as such, their experience is probably more enjoyable. Items/services they are interested in are highlighted whereas items/services that do not appeal to them are given less emphasis
• The application informs customers of special offers and discounts, enabling them to take advantage of it

• BMW repair is researching on AR-based repair to guide mechanics on what to do - this includes audio guidance(output) and audio input ( i.e. verbal commands and queries can be understood by the system, and the system can output data/instructions as audio )
• Data goggles show the requisite repair steps and any pertinent information explicitly, superimposed onto reality. View a video on the repair process.

• The DICE (Dynamic and Intuitive Control Experience) AR-system is planned to be installed on the dashboard and windshield of future cars
• Still in early development.
• Allows users to control vehicle entertainment system using hand gestures, and even drive using hand gestures.
• Augments the user with relevant information/tidbits pertaining to the actual reality ( e.g. the architect of a building that is front of the driver, the music band that is performing in the nightclub on the right side of the car, etc ) around the car, and social updates and information such as calendar schedules ( a demonstration was provided by Mercedez-Benz in an exhibition - see video here )
Research & Development of A U G M E N T E D R E A L I T Y
The following are some of the institutions at the fore-front of Research & Development of Augmented Reality, and their most notable projects. As more and more institutions get caught on the wave, the list is bound to expand exponentially - but these are the pioneers, so to speak, of AR.