Technology & World Change:

I'm Lee Kai Yuan, a year one Business student studying in Singapore Management University, Lee Kong Chian School of Business. I am interested in the future applications of mobile-based Augmented Reality especially for entertainment and personal uses. I am also keen to find out how this new emerging technology can impact the economy. It would be fun and exciting to implement marketing strategies for these products and services as it has never been done before.

I'm a Business student from SMU. I used to study engineering in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I still love engineering very much even though I am doing a business degree now. I am interested in where AR will go in the future and if there are chances for me to do business in this field !

I am a student from the School of Law. I am intrigued by the empowering impact of new technology on every facet of our daily lives. AR will inevitably reshape the world as we know, our very perceptions, and present legal challenges. My avocation is teaching Chemistry and Physics - maintaining a passionate connection with Science. I enjoy teaching, fine dining, travelling, and sports. Ever-thirsty for knowledge, I intend to pursue an MD as a post-graduate degree.

I’m Christina Soh, currently a School of Information Systems student. I’m interested in almost anything related to Japan. Thus, I’m in Kendo which is a Japanese Martial Arts Co-Curriculum Activity. I love to read manga and watch anime as well. I’m a bubbly girl who likes to talk about cold jokes and definitely love listening to them as well. I like to work in groups as it allows me to know more people.

My name is Su Nandar Min. I am from Myanmar, and I studied in Singapore Polytechnic for 3 years before I joined SMU. I am said to be an introvert, and many people will judge me as an introvert if they have just met me a few times. But my close friends will find me very talkative and outgoing.

I’m Eugene Koh, currently a student from School of Economics, Singapore Management University. I was previously the student conductor in National Junior College Choir and still hold a passion for choral music. My other hobbies include traveling and doing various community service projects.